Citizen Science Expeditions Across the Whole World

To probe the depths of the mysteries of the universe, scientists need to collect samples and and conduct field work in a variety of locations around the globe. Funding for such expeditions — is a difficult topic for the entire scientific community. Russian Travel Geek solves this problem with the symbiosis of science and adventure travel. Scientists and science popularizers lead our expeditions, tourists that join our projects finance them. The scientist have access to the object of their research, and the adventure tourist — gets a unique scientific view of the world and access to the most interesting places on the planet they wouldn’t have the chance to see otherwise.

Russian Travel Geek operates in the whole world. Each expedition has a purpose. This could be the study of algae living on the run-off of geysers, observation of the habits of polar owls or the ethnographic study of indigenous peoples. We are currently working on three continents and operating in more than 10 regions. Every month we are joined by more and more scientists, and therefore the list of our destinations is constantly growing. Our audience consists of active people who are interested in gaining new knowledge and experiences, are eager for new discoveries, expanding their horizons and wishing to contribute to the development of science.
Knowledge of the world. Gathering of facts, updating them, systematization and analysis. Synthesis of new knowledge, revealing previously unknown causal relationships and laws that govern our planet. This is all part of the way of science. And we believe that to walk this path, the people of Earth must do so together. We are working towards truly making science open to all.

Младший научный сотрудник ИВП РАН.
Изучает экстремофильную гидробиоту.
Руководитель Первой научно-популярной
библиотеки и портала Nauchka.ru.
Участник автономной двухмесячной
экспедиции к «Полюсу недоступности»
Специалист по морскому делу. Участник этнографической экспедиции во Вьетнам, камчатских экспедиций и горных походов. Имеет многочисленный опыт морских переходов, автор серии экспедиций «7 футов под килем» на фрегате Штандарт. Член Русского географического общества. Закончила МГХПА им.Строганова по специальности «Искусство книги». Художник, дипломированный мастер пластического грима, 9 лет изучала историю искусств. Большой любитель Тёмных веков, реконструктор быта и культуры позднего Средневековья, неоднократный участник исторических фестивалей.